Lawn Care Advice


Devon Garden Solutions / Lawn Care Advice

As your local, friendly lawn care experts, we like to help clients make the most of their grass. 

Please see answers to questions we often get asked below. Do get in touch if there are more questions you would like answers to!

Jump to the bottom for specific questions about Devon Garden Solutions and our treatments.

Q. Why should I treat my lawn?

Our treatment plan aims to leave only healthy grass in your lawn and remove weeds, which means you will have an attractive, uniform and healthy looking lawn all year round.  

Providing the grass with the nutrients it needs at the appropriate time of year will help it become strong, increase root depth and therefore prevent weeds and moss from establishing.  

Q. How often should I cut my grass? Will cutting my grass more often make my lawn look better?

The simple answer is, the more you cut your lawn the better it will look. 

During the active growing season, the maximum amount of time I would suggest leaving between lawn cutting is two weeks.  Ideally for lawns to look their best they should be cut weekly.  During the less active growing months, this should be reduced, taking into consideration how fast the grass is growing, ground conditions and the weather.

TIP: For a cleaner finish, cut the lawn when there is no dew (when the leaf is dry).

Q. How do I get rid of moss in my lawn?

We treat lawns during autumn and winter with iron to combat moss. We do this by applying our professional products at variable rates depending on the requirements of the customer and their lawn. Although this treatment will stop the growth of new moss and slightly reduce the amount present, to remove the moss completely scarification is needed to physically pull the moss out of the lawn. Scarification should be completed after iron treatment so that the moss is weakened, as otherwise although results may be seen initially, it can actually make the moss stronger in the long run.

Q. How short can I cut my grass?

It is of course your choice how short you wish to cut your grass. There are a few factors that make shorter lawns more likely to work well:

    • Flat and even ground
    • Always cutting in the correct conditions i.e. when the ground is dry and firm
    • Having strong and healthy grass
    • A good quality lawn mower with a sharp blade 
    • Having very little to no moss
    • Cutting regularly is really important

Be careful as cutting your grass too low (especially in wet conditions) can weaken the grass, encourage moss growth and can result in scalping.

TIP: Never cut more than a third off the grass length at a time.

Q. When should I stop cutting my grass?

Weather and ground conditions will always dictate when you should cut your grass throughout the whole year. In the last few years with the effects of climate change meaning it's warmer for longer, January and February have been the only months that I haven't actually cut grass. However I will cut less frequently during the colder months.

TIP: Raise the height you cut the grass at coming into autumn and winter. This will give your grass more protection from the harsher months.

Q. How do I stop my lawn being too wet?

There are several reasons for a wet lawn, including:

    • Thatch build up on top of the soil which water cannot get through
    • Poor soil meaning that water and roots cannot penetrate it e.g. clay
    • Poor drainage in the ground
    • Water may be running onto your lawn from elsewhere, which needs redirecting

Depending on the cause, there are several possible solutions:

    • Remove thatch through hollow tine aeration treatment and scarification
    • Change the soil composition
    • Insert drains in the ground underneath the lawn itself
    • Prevent excess water running onto the lawn through drainage or physical water redirection

Q. What is the best time of year to treat weeds in my lawn?

It is best to treat weeds when they are actively growing. This is generally between March and September - the best results will happen in the hotter summer months.

In our lawn care treatment plan, we treat weeds during this active growing season. Our professional products, put down at the right time of year at the correct rate will last longer and have better results that any domestic products bought over the counter.

Q. Should I water my grass?

Generally with the climate in the UK, watering of grass is not normally required. However in sustained hot, dry periods, it is a good idea to water to help relieve stress - early in the morning or late in the evening is best.

TIP: In these hot, dry conditions, raising the height of cut will help protect the grass and stop areas burning off.

Q. Are lawn treatments good for the environment?

Our aim is to create a healthy, dense lawn. Grass is very efficient at turning carbon dioxide to oxygen and therefore lawns are great for the environment.

A 250m2 lawn produces enough oxygen in a day to meet the needs of a family of four and an acre of grass produces enough for over 60 people a day!

Q. When is the best time to put seed on my lawn?

The best time to put seed on your lawn would be late spring or summer, when the ground temperatures are up and there is plenty of time for the new grass to establish before the cold winter months. Seeding can be done in autumn, but it will struggle with the cold and so you may get a lower percentage of germination.

TIP: Seed should always be touching the soil and covered over with the correct sand and/or soil to aid germination.


Q. Do I have to be in when you carry out work on my garden?

As we are well known, trusted professionals. most of our customers are happy for us to work on their properties while they are out. Some even leave keys for us so there is minimum hassle for them to arrange a set time. However if you would prefer to be in when we are there that is of course very welcome too.

Q. How long should I leave my lawn before cutting it after treatment?

For the best possible results, we advise leaving the lawn for 48 hours either side of the treatment.

Q. Why should I use Devon Garden Solutions over another garden service?

    • We're a local, family run business that values their customers - we are not a franchise.
    • Stuart is highly trained, skilled and experienced in many garden and outdoor services. By choosing Devon Garden Solutions, you are choosing high quality, top of the range services.
    • We offer a range of lawn care and garden services, unlike many lawn care companies which only offer treatments.
    • Always considering what is best for the garden, we make sure we only carry out treatments in suitable weather.
    • We are friendly, reliable, considerate, punctual and always leave our workspace clean and tidy.

Q. How do the price of your lawn care treatments compare to products bought from a garden centre and doing it myself?

Products bought over the counter may seem a cheap option, but these do not last very long meaning they need to be applied more frequently. Therefore the price is often comparable to the treatment plan we offer. Not only is our price competitive, but you get a significantly more efficient product, applied professionally, saving you time and hassle. It is very easy to buy the wrong products and apply them at the wrong time of year - we often see damage to lawns due to products not being professionally applied. 

Also, over the counter products often have a high level of nitrogen, which makes your grass look impressive and very green initially, but can cause thatch build up, as well as a reliance on continued feeding.